Carpet Steam Cleaning

Benefits You Get When Booking Professional Carpet Steam Cleaning Service

Carpet steam cleaning isn’t just a matter of simply buying off-the-shelf chemicals and running a steam cleaner over the carpet. There’s a lot more to it. You have to know which detergent to use to treat which stains, by knowing which carpet and fabric is sensitive to which detergent. You have to pre-treat and pre-spray the stains to break down the molecular tensions in the carpet to more effectively perform the hot water extraction. You have to have the appropriate specialised equipment to inject and extract the hot water that carries the stains and dust held inside the carpet.

Applying the right solution to the right problem will properly restore your carpets to their former glory, so you can enjoy longer lasting carpets. We inspect the carpet before starting any cleaning to provide you with that just-right solution.

Effective stain treatments resulting in cleaner carpets

Increased durability of carpets and fabrics

Use deodorisers for long-lasting, fresh-smelling carpets

Environmentally-friendly, non-invasive detergents that don't affect your health

Our Work

How We Do Carpet Steam Cleaning

Before we begin any steam cleaning job, we first inspect the carpet and/or fabric itself in order to determine which detergent to use to treat the carpet.

We then pre-spray the carpet in order to breakdown the molecular chains that hold onto the grime, dirt, and stains you see on your carpet.

Next, we use a specialised equipment called a carpet extractor that sprays the custom-selected detergent with hot water into the carpet, which releases the dirt from within the carpet.

Finally, we use another specialised equipment called a wet-vac to extrac the dirty water that was released just earlier, leaving you with a fresh, clean, as-good-as-new carpet.

Why Choose Us?

Our clients choose us because we use the latest tools and equipment, along with the latest technology to extract and remove all the seemingly impossible stains and grime spilt on their carpet, leaving them with a carpet so clean, they sometimes get confused if it’s been cleaned or been replaced with a new one!

But most importantly, they choose us because they know that when it comes to carpet steam cleaning, they trust us to deliver the upmost quality in carpet stain and dirt removal, which allows them to feel clean and healthy in their living space again.

Carpet Steam Cleaning Equipment List

Hot water extractor and pressure washer (carpet steam machine)

Carpet chemical pre-sprayer

Scrubber machine to apply on stubborn stains

Spray for applying deodorisers

What Our Clients Say About Us

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John Doe


  • What is carpet steam cleaning?
    “Steam cleaning” is actually a misnomer. Steam cleaning does not use steam, per se, but a combination of detergents and hot water to extract and remove those hard-to-get stains and dirt lodged into the fabric of the carpet.
  • Is it worth steam cleaning a carpet?
    Coming into contact with stains and grime, especially on a surface we touch and sit on so frequently, such as the carpet, is “icky” in the short term, and can pose health risks in the long term.

    In order to ensure a clean and healthy living space, it is vital and absolutely worth it to get rid of those nasty stains on your carpet.
  • What kind of stains can steam cleaning remove from carpets?
    Steam cleaning can remove every stain you could possibly imagine including:
    • pet stains
    • toddler stains
    • paint
    • food matter
    • dye
  • Can you steam clean carpets yourself?
    Beyond simple dusty carpets, certains stains, grime, dirt, and other unhealthy matter cannot be removed with a conventional vacuum. It requires a deep clean using technology that’s only available with specialised equipment. It also requires the know-how on operating the equipment.

    For this reason, we highly recommend hiring us Brothers to give your carpet the quality steam clean that you and your family deserve.

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